The Final Fat Loss Program:
The primary objective of the Final Fat Loss Program is to help you reach your ultimate body fat reduction. By emphasizing the preservation of lean body mass, the program provides guidelines for effective fat loss through exercise, a well-balanced nutrition plan, calorie calculation with macronutrient intake and breakdown, progress tracking, a supplement guide, and a comprehensive 4-day weight training and conditioning workout circuit.
Weight Training Video Day 1:
Weight Training Video Day 2:
Weight Training Video Day 3:
Weight Training Video Day 4:
Circuit 1 video
Circuit 2 video
Circuit 3 video
Circuit 4 video
Your Instructor
Guyanese Fit Chick
Guyanese Fit Chick, a highly experienced fitness instructor and coach, has dedicated 33 years to empowering women in their 50's. Having personally faced weight challenges post-pregnancy and during menopause, she is determined to assist others on their weight loss journey. Her exceptional skills lie in inspiring and maintaining women's fitness levels, with a strong emphasis on the significance of consistent physical activity.